Our team
The Uptoearth team is multidisciplinary with a heterogeneous training, the result of different experiences and backgrounds (from space systems engineering and international relations to earth observation and consultancy on the agricultural market) which has however found a Common “soil” in agriculture that represents a job, a commitment to study and an experience of working life.

Product designer expert in the design and prototyping of innovative products, mainly in the field of precision agriculture and the enhancement and fruition of the territory.
He graduated in Industrial Design at the Polytechnic of Bari and specialized in Product Design at the IUAV University of Venice.
Passionate about business and technology, since 2021 he has been working as a freelancer with Italian SMEs in the field of product design, iot systems and AR and VR services.
Giovanni Didonna is a director of Uptoearth Italia, an innovative start-up and spin-off of the IUAV University of Venice.
Maximiliano romero
Associate Professor in Industrial Design at IUAV University of Venice. He has been lecturer in Design & Robotics at Politecnico di Milano since 2011.
Graduate in industrial design at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina). He moved to Milan where he obtained a Master in Ergonomics and later a PhD in Industrial Design and Multimedia Communication at the Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis on the role of design in the field of ICT technologies, and in particular on the problems of acceptability, usability and ergonomics.
He was a post-doctoral researcher at the Politecnico di Milano and Senior Scientist in human computer interaction at the Fraunhofer Institute. Since 2016 he has been a researcher at IUAV University in Venice dealing with topics related to design and technologies.
In 2015 he founded, and later sold, Fabb Srl: innovative start-up in the field of 3D printing. He is the author of 6 invention patents.
In UptoEarth, Maximiliano Romero, is responsible for developing new business related to the design of innovative products and services in IOT.
Researcher ICAR/13 Industrial Design and lecturer in Degree and Master Courses of the University Iuav of Venice, also performs specialized training activities for technicians of institutions, companies and professionals, consultancies and feasibility studies, development of databases and web applications for access to Geographic Information Systems. Giovanni Borga’s activities are mainly related to the organization, analysis and visualization of data, the design of monitoring systems and Geographic Information Systems, Info/Web Design.
His professional contribution is constantly fed by stimuli and results resulting from research and training activities conducted both in the university, both at companies and professionals who demonstrate the need to build shared knowledge frameworks to support their activities.
In UptoEarth Italy, Giovanni Borga will take care of the coordination of the technical aspects of the projects regarding the use of ICT technologies, databases and info/interaction-design of web-oriented applications.
Graduated in Chemical Engineering at the University of Padua, he was a Researcher in Environmental Technical Physics at the University of Venice where he is currently an Associate Professor in the same disciplinary scientific field. In the Faculty of Architecture of this university holds courses in Technology of Environmental Control and Physics of the building.
In his research he has dealt with various fields of energy, fluid dynamics, heat and mass transport, the study of pollution and air quality indoor and outdoor, microenvironmental control for conservation within national and international research projects and at national and international congresses.
He is the author of more than 100 scientific publications at national and international level. He has also collaborated with the UNI and is a member of technical committees and national and international associations active in the fields of chemistry, physics, environmental thermotechnics and construction and pollution by physical agents. Contributes to the research of CISAS – Interuniversity Centre for Astronomical and Spatial Studies of the University of Padua
In UpToEarth, Fabio Peron will deal with the technical-scientific aspects related to the use of sensors for environmental monitoring on terrestrial, aerial and satellite platforms.
Project Manager with experience in development, coordination, monitoring, operational and administrative management of European, international, national and regional programmes and projects (Erasmus+, Horizon Europe, AMIF, POR FESR, etc.)
Experience in the field of education and training and lifelong learning, in particular in relation to: European Framework and the National Qualifications Framework (EQF); skills certification; Quality Assurance; ECVET; ICT; social inclusion.
Graduate of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in Political Science International Address and with a master of II level in International Protection of Human Rights (University La Sapienza).
In Uptoearth Italy, Giusy deals with developing, controlling, monitoring, implementing project documentation, Interacting with stakeholders, suppliers, customers, end users, define and guide the project team, managing communication within a project and budgeting.
UptoEarth is a start-up founded in April 2019 with the aim of creating economic gain for farmers, through the storage of carbon in the soil.
The company, partly funded by the European Union through the EFRE Programme, has been incubated at CESAH, the ESA Business Incubation Center (ESA BIC) of the Hesse-Baden-Württemberg region and is currently part of the ESA BIC Alumni Network in Darmstadt.
UptoEarth advises and develops hardware and software for aerospace, earth observation, agriculture, environmental protection and smart city services.
Uptoearth Italia is a subsidiary of the German company Uptoearth GmbH.
The activity of UptoEarth ITALIA is based on the enhancement, implementation and transfer of the experience of UpToEarth Gmbh that has developed in collaboration with the European Space Agency (ESA) the research project “Soil carbon sequestration in agricultural systems” aimed at creating a set of integrated instruments capable of increasing, in a sustainable way, the agricultural productivity of soils, also enhancing the CO capture capacity, and helping to strengthen the resilience of territories to climate change.